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CKA &. CKAD/Core Concepts

Practice Test - Core Concept

by Clark Shim 2021. 3. 22.

ㅁ Create a new pod with the NGINX image

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx


ㅁ What is the image used to create the new pods?

You must look at one of the new pods in detail to figure this out

kubectl describe pod newpod
kubectl get pods -o wide


ㅁ Which nodes are these pods placed on?

You must look at all the pods in detail to figure this out

kubectl get pods -o wide


ㅁ Why do you think the container 'agentx' in pod 'webapp' is in error?

kubectl describe pod webapp 

으로 상세 내용을 본 후 내용 확인


ㅁ What does the READY column in the output of the 'kubectl get pods' command indicate?


 - Running Containers in POD/Total Containers in POD

 - Total Pods/Running Pods

 - Total Containers in POD/Running Containers in POD

 - Running Pods/Total Pods


ㅇ Delete the 'webapp' Pod.

Once deleted, wait for the pod to fully terminate.

kubectl delete pod webapp


ㅇ Create a new pod with the name 'redis' and with the image 'redis123'

Use a pod-definition YAML file. And yes the image name is wrong!



Create a pod definition YAML file and use it to create a POD or use the command kubectl run redis --image=redis123.

kubectl run redis --image=redis123 --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod.yaml

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

kubectl edit pod redis 

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