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CKA &. CKAD/Networking

Practice Test Service Networking

by Clark Shim 2021. 3. 31.

ㅁ What network range are the nodes in the cluster part of?

kubectl get nodes -o wide
ip addr 





ㅁ What is the range of IP addresses configure for PODs on this cluster?


kubectl logs <weave-pod-name> weave -n kube-system

kubectl get pods -n kube-system 

NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-f9fd979d6-8fl54                1/1     Running   0          8m12s
coredns-f9fd979d6-ftp82                1/1     Running   2          8m29s
etcd-controlplane                      1/1     Running   0          9m4s
kube-apiserver-controlplane            1/1     Running   0          9m4s
kube-controller-manager-controlplane   1/1     Running   0          9m4s
kube-proxy-bw2zx                       1/1     Running   2          8m42s
kube-proxy-fnlct                       1/1     Running   0          8m55s
kube-scheduler-controlplane            1/1     Running   0          9m3s
weave-net-2smd4                        2/2     Running   1          8m30s
weave-net-99md7                        2/2     Running   3          8m30s


kubeclt logs weave-net-2smd4 weave -n kube-system

kubeclt logs weave-net-2smd4 -c weave -n kube-system
DEBU: 2021/03/31 05:34:14.203030 [kube-peers] Checking peer "2a:77:e6:0a:61:29" against list &{[{de:53:1f:08:f3:7b node01}]}
Peer not in list; removing persisted data
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:14.325451 Command line options: map[conn-limit:200 datapath:datapath db-prefix:/weavedb/weave-net docker-api: expect-npc:true http-addr: ipalloc-init:consensus=1 ipalloc-range: metrics-addr: name:2a:77:e6:0a:61:29 nickname:controlplane no-dns:true no-masq-local:true port:6783]
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:14.325504 weave  2.8.1
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:14.941231 Bridge type is bridged_fastdp
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:14.941260 Communication between peers is unencrypted.
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.031360 Our name is 2a:77:e6:0a:61:29(controlplane)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.031421 Launch detected - using supplied peer list: []
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.031625 Using "no-masq-local" LocalRangeTracker
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.031641 Checking for pre-existing addresses on weave bridge
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.034219 [allocator 2a:77:e6:0a:61:29] No valid persisted data
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.041664 Error checking version: Get "https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/weave-net?arch=amd64&flag_docker-version=none&flag_kernel-version=4.15.0-122-generic&os=linux&signature=&version=2.8.1": dial tcp: lookup checkpoint-api.weave.works on write udp> write: operation not permitted
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.046232 [allocator 2a:77:e6:0a:61:29] Initialising via deferred consensus
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.047730 Sniffing traffic on datapath (via ODP)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.048574 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.050262 Listening for HTTP control messages on
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.050284 Listening for metrics requests on
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.061389 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.061509 overlay_switch ->[de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.061551 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.162913 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.463432 sleeve ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.491963 [kube-peers] Added myself to peer list &{[{de:53:1f:08:f3:7b node01} {2a:77:e6:0a:61:29 controlplane}]}
DEBU: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.500306 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[]
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.535273 adding entry to weaver-no-masq-local of 0
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.535323 added entry to weaver-no-masq-local of 0
DEBU: 2021/03/31 05:34:15.666308 registering for updates for node delete events
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:16.350198 Discovered remote MAC ae:d8:69:c1:48:0c at de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:28.236289 Discovered remote MAC 26:b2:1f:68:c1:72 at de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:32.214083 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection shutting down due to error: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:32.214359 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection deleted
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:32.214613 Removed unreachable peer de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:33.312280 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:33.313028 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp :0-> connect: connection refused
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:37.094830 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:37.095796 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp :0-> connect: connection refused
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:41.963978 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:41.964813 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp :0-> connect: connection refused
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:50.232261 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:50.232982 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp :0-> connect: connection refused
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.013142 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.014580 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.014696 overlay_switch ->[de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.014747 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.125625 overlay_switch ->[de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)] using sleeve
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.125775 ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.126820 sleeve ->[|de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)]: Effective MTU verified at 1438
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:54.516230 overlay_switch ->[de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)] using fastdp
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:34:56.030257 Discovered remote MAC de:53:1f:08:f3:7b at de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:35:02.974135 Discovered remote MAC 16:84:fa:ec:90:c2 at de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)
INFO: 2021/03/31 05:35:12.158131 Discovered remote MAC ae:d8:69:c1:48:0c at de:53:1f:08:f3:7b(node01)

ip allocation 부분 확인


ㅁ What is the IP Range configured for the services within the cluster?


$ cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml | grep cluster

- --service-cluster-ip-range=


ㅁ How many kube-proxy pods are deployed in this cluster

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep kube-proxy 


ㅁ What type of proxy is the kube-proxy configured to use?



$ kubectl logs kube-proxy-bw2zx -n kube-system
I0331 05:34:48.766057       1 node.go:136] Successfully retrieved node IP:
I0331 05:34:48.767483       1 server_others.go:111] kube-proxy node IP is an IPv4 address (, assume IPv4 operation
W0331 05:34:48.826573       1 server_others.go:579] Unknown proxy mode "", assuming iptables proxy
I0331 05:34:48.826835       1 server_others.go:186] Using iptables Proxier.
I0331 05:34:48.827267       1 server.go:650] Version: v1.19.0
I0331 05:34:48.827816       1 conntrack.go:52] Setting nf_conntrack_max to 131072
I0331 05:34:48.829131       1 config.go:315] Starting service config controller
I0331 05:34:48.829181       1 shared_informer.go:240] Waiting for caches to sync for service config
I0331 05:34:48.829221       1 config.go:224] Starting endpoint slice config controller
I0331 05:34:48.829266       1 shared_informer.go:240] Waiting for caches to sync for endpoint slice config
I0331 05:34:48.929506       1 shared_informer.go:247] Caches are synced for endpoint slice config 
I0331 05:34:48.929510       1 shared_informer.go:247] Caches are synced for service config 


ㅁ How does this Kubernetes cluster ensure that a kube-proxy pod runs on all nodes in the cluster?


Inspect the kube-proxy pods and try to identify how they are deploy


[kubelet ensure this is done]

[Using deployments]

[Using a custom script]

[using daemonset]


$ kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system

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