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CKA &. CKAD/Troubleshooting

Control Plane Failure

by Clark Shim 2021. 4. 1.

ㅁ Check Node Status

kubectl get nodes


kubectl get pods


ㅁ Check Controlplane Pods

kubectl get pods -n kube-system



service kube-apiserver status



service kube-controller-manager status



service kube-scheduler status



service kubelet status



service kube-proxy status


ㅁ Check Service Logs

kubectl logs kube-apiserver-master -n kube-system



sudo journalctl -u kube-apiserver




Troubleshoot Clusters

This doc is about cluster troubleshooting; we assume you have already ruled out your application as the root cause of the problem you are experiencing. See the application troubleshooting guide for tips on application debugging. You may also visit troubles



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