CKA &. CKAD/Core Concepts
Practice Test - Replicaset/ReplicationController
Clark Shim
2021. 3. 23. 09:24
ㅁ ReplicationController 정의
kubectl create -f rc-definition.yml
kubectl get replicationcontroller
kubectl get pod
ㅁ Replicaset 정의
kubectl create -f replicaset-definition.ymml
kubectl get replicaset
kubectl get pods
기존 Replicaset 3 --> 6으로 증가하는 방법
kubectl replace -f replicaset-definition.yml
kubectl scale --replicas=6 -f replicaset-definition.yml
kubectl scale --replicas=6 replicaset myapp-replicaset
Delete all underlying Pods
kubectl delete replicaset myapp-replicaset
Update replica set
kubectl replace -f replicaset-definition.yml
Scale replic set
kubectl scale -replicas=6 -f replicaset-definition.yml
[Practice Test]
ㅁ What is the image used to create the pod in the new-replica-set?
kubectl get rs new-replica-set -o wide
kubectl describe pod new-replica-set
ㅁ Image 수정
kubectl edit rs new-replica-set
ㅁ Delete any one of the 4 PODs.
kubectl delete pod new-replica-set-dwhdt
ㅁ Why are there still 4 PODs, even after you deleted one?
-> ReplicaSet ensures that desired number of PODs always run
ㅁ Create a ReplicSet using the replicaset-definition-1.yaml file located at /root/.
There is an issue with the file, so try to fix it
apiVersion: v1
apiVersion: apps/v1
ㅁ Fix the issue in the replicaset-definition-2.yaml files and create ReplicaSet using it
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: replicaset-2
replicas: 2
tier: frontend --> tier: nginx
tier: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
ㅁ Fix the original replica set new-replica-set to use the correct busybox image
kubectl edit new-replica-set
kubectl delete pod ~~
ㅁ Scale the ReplicaSet to 5 Pods
kubectl edit rs new-replica-set
replicas: 4 --> 5로 수정