AWS Database/AWS DynamoDB

[AWS Certificate]-DynamoDB Storing Larger Item

Clark Shim 2022. 1. 8. 17:08


DynamoDB - Storing larger items

  • DynamoDB supports item sizes up to 400 KB each
  • This includes attribute name and attribute value (=entire JSON object)
  • Options for storing larger items
    • Compress large attribute values, OR
    • Store large attribute values in S3 and store the corresponding S3 path in DynamoDB


DynamoDB - Large Objects Pattern




DynamoDB - Indexing S3 objects metadata



DynamoDB Operations


  • Table Cleanup:
    • Option 1: Scan + Delete => very slow, expensive, consumes RCU & WCU
    • Option 2: Drop Table + Recreate table => fast, cheaper, efficient
  • Copying a DynamoDB Table:
    • Option 1: Use AWS DataPipeline (uses EMR)
    • Option 2: Create a backup and restore the backup into a new table name (can take some time)
    • Option 3: Scan + Write => write own code