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AWS Database/AWS RDS & Aurora

[AWS Certificate]-Amazon RDS Monitoring and Logs

RDS Monitoring

  • Common metrics
    • CPU, RAM, disk space consumption, Network traffic, DB Connection, IOPS metrics
  • Native logs / extensions
    • e.g. pgaudit extension in PostgreSQL for auditing (DML, DCL, DDL, etc)
  • Manual Monitoring Tools
    • RDS console (DB Connections, R/W ops, storage consumption, memory utilization, N/W traffic)
    • AWS Trusted Advisor (cost optimization, security, fault tolerance, performance improvement checks)
    • CloudWatch (service health status etc.)
  • Automated Monitoring Tools
    • RDS event notifications
    • Database logs (can be exported to CloudWatch Logs)
    • CloudWatch (Metrics /Alarms / Logs)
    • Enhanced Monitoring (real-time)
    • Performance Insights
    • RDS Recommendations
    • CloudTrail (captures all RDS API calls, can be viewed in CloudTrail console or delivered to an S3 bucket)
    • Up to 90 days of your account activity can be viewed in CloudTrail console (can create a trail to deliver the audit logs to S3)

RDS Notifications / Event subscriptions

  • Available within the RDS console
  • Allows you to create CloudWatch alarms to notify you whenever certain metric data crosses a threshold
  • You can send alarm notifications to an SNS topic (email / SMS)
  • You can also subscribe to RDS events
  • Event sources can be snapshots, instances, security groups, parameter groups, clusters, cluster snapshots, etc.
  • Events like DB instance creation, deletion, availability (shutdown / restart), backup, recovery, failover, failure, backtrack, config change etc.

RDS Recommendations

  • Periodic automated suggestions for DB instances, read replicas, and DB parameter groups

RDS Logs

  • View / watch / download DB logs from the RDS console
  • Can export logs to CloudWatch Logs (log types vary by DB engine)
  • CloudWatch Logs never expire. To expire them, set log group retention policy (1 day - 10 yrs)
  • Logs are accessible from RDS console even if you disable log export to CloudWatch Logs
  • Log types that can be exported to CloudWatch Logs
    • Alert log - Oracle
    • Audit log - Oracle, MariaDB, MySQL (must use option group with MARIADB_AUDIT_PLUGIN option for MariaDB and MySQL to audit database activity)
    • Listenr log - Oracle
    • Trace log - Oracle
    • Error log - SQL Server, MariaDB, MySQL
    • Postgresql log - PosgreSQL (contains audit logs)
    • Upgrade log - PostgreSQL
    • General log - MariaDB, MySQL
    • Slow query log - MariaDB, MySQL

Exporting AWS RDS logs to S3

  • RDS database log files can be accessed via RDS console, CLI or API
  • Transaction logs cannot be accessed
  • You can export log data from CloudWatch Logs to S3 by creating an export task in CloudWatch (create-export-task CLI command)
  • Log files can also be downloaded using the RDS API and uploaded to S3 (using Lambda or AWS SDK)

RDS Enhanced Monitoring

  • To analyze real-time OS level metrics (CPU / memory usage etc.)
  • To monitor different processes or threads that are using the CPU
  • Helps identify performance issues
  • Increased granularity of 1 to 60 seconds
    • 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 seconds
  • Requires an agent to be installed on the DB server to collect metrics

RDS Monitoring in CloudWatch

RDS Performance Insights

  • Offers visual dashboard for performance tuning, analysis and monitoring
  • Monitors DB load for the instance (if the instance has multiple DBs, you'll see aggregated metrics)
  • DB load - average number of active sessions (AAS - average active session)
  • Performance problems will appears as spikes in the DB load graph
  • Helps identify performance bottlenecks, expensive SQL statements, etc


  • You can visualize the DB load, filter it by waits / SQL / hosts / users
    • Waits - wait state for CPU, IO, Lock etc.
    • SQL - SQL Statements
    • Hosts
    • Users
  • Identify slow queries (top SQL), locks

  • Use AAS(Average Active Session) and Max CPU together for analysis
AAS < 1 DB is not blocked
AAS = 0 DB is idle, Problems are in the App not DB
AAS < # of  CPUs CPU is available
AAS > # of CPUs Performance issues
AAS >> # of CPUs (spikes or frequent occurrence) Performance bottleneck




RDS Performance Insights


Can also be used for sizing

  • If CPU load is significantly less than Max CPU => oversized

  • If CPU load > Max CPU => Undersized

RDS Performance Insights


Amazon Aurora MySQL reference - Amazon Aurora




Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL reference - Amazon Aurora

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RDS Performance Insights

  • Automatically publishes metrics to CloudWatch
  • Easily integrates with on-premise or third-party monitoring tools
  • Two options for access control
    • Use AmazonRDSFullAccess policy, or
    • Use a custom IAM policy and attach it to the IAM user or role

CloudWatch Application Insights

  • For .NET and SQL Server
  • Also supports DynamoDB tables
  • Identifies and sets up key metrics, logs, and alarms for SQL Server workloads
  • Uses CloudWatch events and alarms
  • Useful for problem detection, notification and troubleshooting

RDS on VMware

  • Lets you deploy RDS DBs in on-premise VMware environments (VMware vSphere)
  • Same user interface as in AWS
  • Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server
  • Fully managed DBs
  • Uses health monitoring to detect unhealthy database instances and automatically recovers them
  • Support manual and automatic backups with PITR
  • Can use CloudWatch for monitoring
