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Keyspaces (Cassandra) Amazon Keyspaces - overview A scalable, highly available, and fully-managed database service Lets you run. your Cassandra workloads on AWS Cassandra is an open-source, wide-column, NoSQL data store Is serverless, so you pay for what you use + autoscaling Supports thousands of requests per second with virtually unlimted throughput and storage Compatible with the CQL (Cassandra Query Language) API.. 2022. 1. 20.
[AWS Certificate]-Amazon QLDB Amazon QLDB - Overview QLDB = Quantum Ledger Database Fully managed, serverless ledger database Has built-in, immutable journal to record all the change history of your data Transparent and cryptographically verifiable ledger Tracks each application data change and maintains a complete and verifiable history of changes over time. Supports ACID transactions Uses query lanague named PartiQL (SQL-l.. 2022. 1. 16.
[AWS Certificate]-Amazon Timestream Amazon Timestream - Overview Fully managed, fast, scalable, serverless time-series database service Time-series data measures how things change over time Store and analyze trillions of time-ordered events per day 1,000x faster query performance at 1/10th the cost of relational databases Automates rollups, retention, tiering, and compression of data Use cases: Log data for DevOps Sensor data for .. 2022. 1. 16.
[AWS Certificate]-Amazon Elasticsearch Service Amazon Elasticsearch Service - Overview May be called Amazon ES at the exam Managed version of ElasticSearch (Open source project) The ELK Stack on AWS Cloud ( ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana) ElasticSearch - provides search and indexing functionality Logstash - provides log ingestion mechanism, alternative to CloudWatch Logs Kibana - provides real-time dashboards for ES data, is a visualizati.. 2022. 1. 16.
[AWS Certificate]-Amazon Neptune Amazon Neptune - Overview Fully managed graph database service (non-relational) Relationships are first-class citizens Can quickly navigate relationships and retrieve complex relations between highly connected datasets Can query bilions of relationships. with milisecond latency ACID compliant with immediate consistency Supports transaction semantics for highly concurrent OLTP workloads (ACID tra.. 2022. 1. 16.
[AWS Certificate]-DocumentDB Amazon DocumentDB - Overview Fully-managed (non-relational) document database for MongoDB workloads JSON documents (nested key-value pairs) stored in collections (~tables) Compatible w/ majority of MongoDB applications, drivers, and tools High performance, s calability, and availability Support for flexible indexing, powerful ad-hoc queries, and analytics Storage and compute can scale independen.. 2022. 1. 15.